First Mosquito Encounter
So I have to admit that I was much more frightened of bugs than I needed to be prior to my arrival. I had it in my mind that every night would be a bug-war. Me putting on Deet, climbing under my mosquito net, swatting till I was sore and wishing I had a penny for every bite. I have not been bitten, even once. Our room is bug free and we are not using our nets and very minimal spray.
However, yesterday Jeni and I fell into deep sleep around 4 in the afternoon due to heat, beer at lunch and the fact that it was 3 am west coast, 6 am east coast. We slept hard until 2 am India time. We have been wide awake since, listening and dancing on our beds to Indian MTV (go MC Hammer), eating snacks (thanks Mom!), reading (yawn), checking out the first monsoon and waiting impatiently until we can go get some real grub. At around 5 am Jeni spotted a flying bug. After Rambo style stalking, I discovered it was in fact a nasty mosquito. I know I promised Kelly no "Warrior Princess," but this was a challenge I could not resist… I was about to resort to throwing my teddy bear hard against the very high ceiling where he was taunting me when I ended up nailing the sucker with my book, mid air. I then had to hunker around the room like a proud warrior!
To answer some of my Mom's questions, not a single cow has showed its face. "Yes" there is McDonalds and you can have it delivered on the back of a motor scooter, like Chinese take-out (but we refuse!).
Today the agenda is as follows, we will take a ferry to Elephant Island to go cave exploring and tonight we are going to brave the Mumbai night life.
Sending my Love, Jeeni